We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Gory Movie

Junk Science - the use of manipulated or filtered data to promote one's own point of view. Nobody who believes in Man-made global warming can convincingly explain why the earths temperatures have fluxuated to warm and cold extremes long before the industrial age or the existence of mankind. Could it be that the sun doesn't radiate at the same steady state as a ceramic heater?

They also "conveniantly" ignore the fact the Mount St. Helen spewed more CO2 into the atmosphere during it's last eruption than all of the cars that ever existed and that water vapor is the most prevalent "green house gas" by a huge percentage.

This is not about protecting the environment, this is about destroying our capitalist economy and replacing it with a tightly controlled state-owned economy where everyone works for the government and everyone in the ruling class, like Gore, are part of the wealthy elite.

From IBD:
Posted 5/24/2006

Propaganda: Al Gore's new movie isn't just a slick-yet-tedious sermon on global warming. It might also be the longest — and most unintentionally funny — campaign commercial in history.

Would you pay to sit in a classroom and watch an audio-visual presentation hosted by the former vice president? For many, the question would be how much they have to pay to find the emergency exit.

In the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," which opened at limited venues Wednesday, Gore is in his element as he talks down to the American public. Surrounded by an audience nodding in awe at him, Gore never once has to huff impatiently, as he famously did over and over while debating George W. Bush in 2000.

On NBC's "Today" show this week, Gore refused to say "never" to seeking office again, and this movie looks like a vehicle for another presidential run. It shows snippets from the 2000 election, as if keeping Gore out of the White House was a catastrophe for our electoral system.

Gore also pulls out all the emotional stops in this global warming movie. He recounts his son's auto accident, his sister's death from lung cancer and his family's hand-wringing over its tobacco farm.

If this really is the launch of a new Gore candidacy, Republicans will have lots of raw material for attack TV ads. In a scene over which it's impossible to keep a straight face, Gore inhales and exhales next to a visual of the earth breathing in and out. In another, he hops onto a hydraulic lift and boosts himself up to where a giant graph shows projections of CO2 emissions rising off the scale.

And Gore thinks the American people are so dumb they need to see a "Simpsons"-style cartoon character of a little girl asking, "How do we get wid of the gweenhouse gasses?"

Gore's whispery voice-over narrates as we're told that global warming could deprive 40% of the world's population of water, that it's responsible for West Nile Virus, avian flu and 30 new diseases, and that we'll someday have to relocate 100 million refugees.

There's also plenty of sneering at "the so-called skeptics."

Gore can sneer all he wants, but there is disagreement among scientists. The journal Science last year reported that the vast East Antarctic ice sheet is getting thicker, not thinner.

As the film ends to the screeching of Melissa Etheridge, the screen flashes suggestions for what each of us can do "to reach zero carbon emissions": buy different light bulbs, install a new thermostat, ride a bike to work and plant lots of trees — as if those drops in the bucket can avert apocalypse.

In reality, global warming alarmists want America to disassemble its industrial economy. Gore's glossy piece of propaganda doesn't find it convenient to mention that truth.

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