We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Monday, December 12, 2005

In Defense of the All-American Food

Excepting the kind you get at the drive-thru (which are nothing but soy-filled junk-patties), I'm a big fan of the cheeseburger - especially one made with fresh, high-quality grass-fed beef and cheese made from raw, un-pasteurized milk, served sans-bun, of course...

And finally, such a glorious meal is getting at least a little bit of decent press, albeit in the "trades" of the medical field. According to Dutch research published in the October 17th issue of The Journal of Experimental Medicine, high-fat foods (cheeseburgers were used as an example) helped reduce stomach inflammation, which in turn helps keep the gut resistant to penetration by harmful bacteria.

In layman's terms, here's what this means: The intestinal tract of an intelligent American cheeseburger-eater - with plenty of healthy animal fat - is MORE IMMUNE to bacterial assault (like deadly post-traumatic septic shock) than the digestive system of a vegan tofu-eater. But that's not all the good "cheeseburger" news...

Another recent study has indicated that a higher fat content in the diet (coupled with lower carbohydrates) may have a beneficial effect in the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's disease. This runs contrary to widely held notions about the relationship between diet and dementia. But that's because previous research correlating high fat to increased Alzheimers' risk also featured diets high in carbohyhdrates!

This new study would seem to squarely implicate the carbs, not the fats. Previous research has shown both a cognitive improvement and a decrease in mental decline from a diet high in fats - especially Omega 3's (plentiful in beef) and fish oils, which slowed dementia's progression by an impressive 10% PER YEAR in at least one body of research.

What this all means is: You'd have to have lost your marbles NOT to chow down on a cheeseburger or two for optimum gastric and mental gymnastics.

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