We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Loss of Parental Rights

Isn't it scary, the thought that some day, the government might take your kids away from you for poisoning their minds with ideas about Christianity? Far fetched? The 9th circuit court of appeals just took one step closer:

California's assault on the family
by Star Parker (Townhall.com)

November has been a banner month so far in California for
assaulting the traditional family. Last Tuesday, California
voters rejected Proposition 73, which would have required
parental notification before allowing a minor to receive an
abortion. The week before, California's wacko 9th Circuit
Court of Appeals ruled that parents do not have "exclusive"
right in their children's sex education.

Now, in the state of California, a 15-year-old girl has
full and exclusive sovereignty over the production and
destruction of life. However, her 40-year-old parents have
only limited jurisdiction over the values that this child
learns and how she lives her life.

The absurdity speaks for itself.

Aside from the angst that comes from watching the long-term
implosion of a society, I have immediate concerns that
California's assault on the traditional family is
simultaneously an assault on blacks and the poor.

The nation's highest rate of teen abortions is among blacks.
It is more than double the national average and more than
three times higher than the rate among whites.

Data compiled by the Heritage Foundation show that teens
from homes headed by single, never-married women are twice
as likely to be sexually active than teens from homes
headed by married couples. Black children are three times
more likely than white children to be living in a single-
parent household and are three times more likely to be

So despite arguments from Planned Parenthood and other
liberal advocates that inserting government between parents
and their children protects children, things are quite the
opposite. The reality of the black community is testimony
that the formula for keeping children poor, and assuring
that their children will be poor, is to destroy the
integrity of the family.

Government subsidization and protection of irresponsible
behavior has gotten blacks into the social black hole in
which they now find themselves. Black kids are not suffer-
ing because they need more rights. They are suffering
because they are not learning, from an early age, about
responsibilities and consequences.

It's not an accident that in polling before the Proposition
73 vote, blacks supported the initiative. It's also not an
accident that 75 percent of blacks supported the ban on gay
marriage that passed in Texas in the week past.

Blacks are increasingly appreciating that the No.1 challenge
in our community is the restoration of family. This is a
challenge under any circumstances. All the more so today,
in the midst of a prevailing culture that increasingly goes
in the opposite direction in the values it promotes.
The 9th Circuit Court ruling upheld a decision by a local
school district to ask kids ages 7 to 10 to respond to a
questionnaire asking explicit questions about their sexual
Parents sued claiming that the school had intruded on their
fundamental right to "control the upbringing of their
children" regarding matters of values and sex.

No, said the court. Parents have no "exclusive" right here.
The school is their partner in raising their children.

According to the court's Justice Reinhardt, parents have
no right "to prevent a public school from providing its
students with whatever information it wishes to provide,
sexual or otherwise, when and as the school determines that
it is appropriate to do so."

This is a supposedly free country, right? However, you
don't have a choice whether to send your kid to school.
And, if you don't have resources, you don't have a choice
but to send your kid to a public school where, certainly
in California, the government will be your partner in
teaching your kid values.

The very decision of the court tells you what values the
government will teach. Marginalize the traditional family
and have Justice Reinhardt, or his equivalent, join you as
the co-parent of your kids.

Poor black kids, already coming from broken homes, are
forced into broken schools where they are taught the very
values that will increase the probability that they will
stay poor, as will their children. And liberals think they
are our friends?

Blacks see and feel the crisis. We are trying to rebuild
our families and communities.

For more about Star Parker, click here:


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