We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Friday, January 05, 2007

More methane-related atmospheric news

Backing up the findings of oft-ridiculed U.S. research on bovine flatulence, none other than the bloated and gas-spewing United Nations itself has now concluded that cow farts contribute more greenhouse gas (methane, Co2) to our atmosphere than all forms of mechanized transportation combined.

Whether or not the EPA will soon require "cow-talytic converters" on the beasts', uh, tailpipes remains to be seen...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that Jack chose this post to respond to since his emotional rant has nothing to do with the subject of the post.

Jack presents no facts to back up his assertion but I will respond to two of them just the same.

Regarding states rights and the wresting of power, let me point out that it was under President Woodrow Wilson - Democrat, that the 17th Amendment was passed which made US Senators unaccountable to their State Governments.

It was under Jimmy Carter Democrat (neo-com?) that the education system was nationalized and state land, (like ANWAR)confiscated by the US government in the name of "consrvation".

Finally, regarding his comment on capitalism, again it was the 17th amendment that made modern day "legislation for sale" possible and again it was Woodrow Wilson - Democrat who signed the Federal Reserve act creating a "Central Bank" and taking us off the gold standard thus making our money subject to the whims of government.

The other interesting piece of Jack's response is that, while he suggests that the Framers of the Constitution would not recognize what this country has become, he certainly did not advocate that we become less Socialist and more Constitutional as I do.

I'm sure that Jack is oppossed to the Patriot Act which as we all know has to be renewed periodically, however he chooses to ignore the chipping away of our Constitution by the Left through their establishment of programs and agencies (Social Security {Roosevelt - Democrat}and Medicare are Ponzi Schemes headed for backruptcy)do we really need an FDA and a Department of Education) that have no expiration.

I hope he'll join me in my mission to establish a wealth tax.